DMCA Policy

The rules for Game Room 777 APK (referred to as the “Website” or the “Service”) is based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This set of rules covers all the things and services connected to the website, collectively called “Services.” It explains how the person operating the website (referred to as “Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) deals with complaints about copyright issues. This document provides details on how you (referred to as “you” or “your”) can report a copyright problem.

We take the protection of intellectual property seriously and expect our users and their representatives to do the same. Following the DMCA from 1998, our policy is to quickly address notices reporting copyright problems.

Factors to ponder before raising a copyright complaint?

Before filing a copyright complaint, check if the use might qualify as fair use. Fair use permits quoting short selections of copyrighted material for specific purposes like analysis, news reporting, teaching, and research without seeking permission or making payments. If you still want to proceed with a complaint after considering fair use, it’s wise to contact the user first to try resolving the issue directly.

If unsure about the material being genuinely infringing, it’s recommended to consult with a lawyer before submitting a complaint. We may, at our discretion or as required by law, share a copy of your notice or counter-notice with the account holder involved. If concerned about confidentiality, consider hiring a representative to report infringing material on your behalf.

Infringement alerts:

If you are a copyright owner or a representative, and you believe that any material on our Services violates your copyrights, you can submit a written copyright infringement notice (“Notice”) using the contact details below by the DMCA.

Filing a DMCA complaint initiates a predefined legal process. Your complaint will be reviewed for accuracy, validity, and completeness. If your complaint meets these requirements, our response may involve removing or restricting access to the allegedly infringing material.

If we take action based on a notice of alleged infringement, we will make a reasonable effort to contact the affected user with details about the removal or restriction of access. This may include providing a full copy of your Notice (including your name, address, phone, and email address) along with instructions for filing a counter-notice.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any part of this Policy, the Administrator reserves the right to take no action upon receipt of a DMCA copyright infringement notice if it fails to comply with all the requirements of the DMCA for such notices.

Response notifications:

If a user receives a copyright infringement notice, they have the right to submit a counter-notice following sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the US Copyright Act. Upon receiving a copyright infringement notice, indicating the removal of material from our Services, take the time to review the notice for details about the removed content. To submit a counter-notice, provide a written communication that complies with DMCA requirements.

It’s important to note that if there’s uncertainty about whether specific material infringes on others’ copyrights or if the removal was accidental or due to misidentification, consulting with a lawyer before filing a counter-notice is advisable.

Regardless of any provisions in this Policy, the Administrator reserves the right to take no action upon receiving a counter-notice. If we receive a counter-notice complying with 17 U.S.C. § 512(g), we may forward it to the individual who filed the original notice.

The process outlined in this Policy does not limit our ability to pursue any other remedies to address potential infringement.

Revisions and amendments:

We reserve the right to modify this Policy or its terms related to the Website. When we do, we will send you an email to notify you.

Notifying about copyright infringement:

If you wish to report any infringing material or activity, you can do so through the contact form.